Landing Pages For Growth

A single page website will convert your social media followers into customers

There is no need today for any small business to have multiple page site with simple content when it can all be on one page in sections. This format is preferred by the viewer because they just thumb scroll vertically on the phone, which is the most used device.

A MaaX page provides all the valuable functions you need to turn your own followers into valuable customers.

Only $25 Annually

No upgrades needed and no additional fee to use all the included features. No custom domain needed. Just

Any design is possible

Over 200 free templates to choose from.

With the very intuitive drag 'n drop page builder, you can easily reformat and redesign the template to suit your desire and impress your visitors.

Carib V Television
Deno Crazy
Tashay Mobile Notary

Experience rapid social media growth

These landing pages are quickly indexed by search engines and makes it easy for viewers to find your page and be directed to all your social media destinations, and this process encourages greater follower growth.

Monetize Your Page

Move beyond the basic links only and use the MaaX tools to create revenue streams

E-Commerce Tools

We provide a great yet simple shopping cart module which will sell just about anything.

Novelty Shop

Create free accounts with drop shipping services like and create the power graphics and branding you like. Then place the graphic on items they provide and publish the products at your MaaX profile page.

Affiliate Partnering

Connect with recognized brands and join their affiliate programs and post the links in your page. Each click has the potential to earn income.

Get Leads With Funnel Page

Create custom data collection forms that build your CRM through funnel marketing and have a resource for direct advertising forever.

Banner Advertising

There is a banner management module that tracks impressions and clicks and create a report that can be exported in various formats and presented to a paying advertiser.

Internet Radio Capable

Gain significantly more listeners for your internet radio broadcast and receive more audio advertising revenue

Website Features

One price of $25 annually for all features. No need for "upgrade"

device friendly responsive
unlimited functions
    Link to every destination you own or associated
  • Free Themes
    Easily inserted and edited
  • Real Time Analytics
    Get detailed report of where the clicks came from
  • Screen Responsive
    All devices will display the website properly
  • Free SSL
    For data encryption and browser validation
  • Audio Player
    Stream any remote internet radio. Play single audio or create playlists
  • Video Player
    Plays from any online video source. Play single video or create playlists.
  • Shopping Cart
    Sell anything quickly
  • Client Testimonials Slide Portfolio
    Show a list of satisfied clients and what they said.
  • Photo Gallery
    Display a gallery of images that will market your wares effectively
  • Slide Show For Anything
    Create dramatic slide shows that will display any media type.
  • Custom Form Builder
    Easily create any custom form to collect data for various marketing purposes.
  • Donation Module
    Easily create donation modules that display and behave similar to GoFund. Connect to PayPal, WePay and Payoneer to handle transactions.
  • Advertising Banner Rotation Manager
    Display ads and collect impressions and click data to determine performance.
  • Interactive Maps
    Easily add Google maps just by entering an address.
  • Social Media Sharing
    Include methods to share the site across many social networks.

Editor Tool Box

The tool box is very easy to use and each application shows the result immediately so you know precisely what will be seen by your viewers.

  • Quickly insert a theme
  • Change the links to your own
  • Change the images
  • Add action calls (CTA)
  • Post the URL everywhere

About Us

MaaX.Site is a subsidiary of, providing excellent web hosting services since 2009, including website design, software development, marketing, website and social media management.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the very affordable service offered, please contact us by email or phone.

Hours: 11AM - 3AM EST



Tampa, Florida USA


Your personal data is never shared or distributed. Only full name and email address are required. No payment data is collected by or affiliations. Personal data such as address, phone, credit card are handled by the card processing provider which is not affiliated with and its affiliations.


The price you pay is set for the term of your service. There are no additional fees for this product.

Prices are subject to change based on economic conditions, and notices of such change will be sent via email 60 days before due date.

Just $25 Annually

All functions included at no additional cost
